Friday, February 21, 2014

Paige goes to Georgia

The bad news is that my uncle died. It was unexpected and sudden and we found ourself on the road on a Friday morning headed to Atlanta. The good news(if you would like to call it that) is that the trip allowed Paige to 1. visit Georgia and 2. meet family members that she had never met before.

First of all, the trip was a good 10 hours. I was very worried about Paige traveling for that long but she did an amazing job. She did not get an attitude with us until we were in Atlanta. She rode, ate, laughed and slept

The real fun came once we finally checked into the hotel. My two nieces met us there and chile Paige had a BLAST! Mind you my nieces are about 4 and 9. No worries ... Paige thought she was 4 and 9. We left them with my husband while we went shopping. We came back to a room that was destroyed and four happy kids that were laughing.

I was worried about how Paige would do at the funeral but she did an amazing job. She was a bit antisocial but no crying, talking or outbursts. The final night before we were to leave, we decided to have a little fun in the hotel.  After everyone was in pajamas, we just ran up and down the halls. Great workout for Paige .... not so much for the people who were staying on our floor. Oh well.

We had fun ... considering. Hopefully next time we visit it will be on better terms. RIP Uncle Randy


Mommy K

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

It's LOVE day in the Johnson household. Of course that includes Paige! While the boy is gone for the weekend, the little princess remains with her parents. Therefore daddy must wine and dine BOTH of his girls :)  Happy Valentine's Day everyone

Paige ready for V-Day
1 Luv

Mommy K

Saturday, February 8, 2014

More Kids?

I am constantly engaged in an "Are you going to have more kids" conversation. I really do not understand the fascination with other people's wombs but ok. Honestly I think about having more kids all of the time but then reality kicks in and I'm always like

Cause realistically having babies is not easy-peasy-fresh and easy. Kids take A LOT of WORK! Yes they are cute, they are adorable, but they are WORK! I'm not even talking about finances. Take finances out of the equation for just one second .... babies are work on your body, your mind and your time. That is ... if you're trying to be a semi-good parent. All of that cuteness fades away at 3 am when little cuteness is not trying to sleep or is sick or is teething. Cuteness goes out of the window when you have a little monster kicking you in the worst way with one foot and tap dancing on your bladder with the other foot in the wee hours of the night. Cuteness fades when you have to lug a diaper bag, stroller, car seat, etc just to go to the grocery store. And I dont know anyone who is cute when they devour all of your time. Time with the girls? Forget it! Time with your man. Forget it! Time for yourself? Forget it! Now put finances back into the equation, babies are expensive! I thank God daily that our expenses were not unbearable while conceiving, delivering and raising baby number two. Unlike baby number 1, baby number 2 did not go to the daycare. That's a good $800 in our pocket right there. So

I have my girl and my boy. I'm good. Maybe many years down the line, I will possibly consider giving Paige a younger sibling but I highly doubt it. 


Mommy K

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl

Its Super Bowl Sunday in the Johnson house. I do not care about much but football is EVERYTHING to me! We are beyond hyped in my house.

Can you tell? LOL!

1 Luv
Mommy K