Thursday, May 24, 2012

Whoa...what's happening?!?!?

I love to dance. I also love Trick Daddy. If you're reading this and you're not from Florida, you probably have no idea who he is. Just know that he is someone who gets me up and moving. I can burn quite a few calories listening to Mr Trick. So today I'm listening to Trick Daddy and it happened.................I totally forgot I was pregnant! *gasp*

I know I forgot I was pregnant because I started popping and moving so hard and so fast! At one point I popped so hard that it's a miracle that little Deuce-Y did not land on the wall in front of me. It was after that pop that I actually felt a pop INSIDE of me......suddenly a light bulb went off that said "HELLOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! DARLING YOU'RE PREGNANT!!! REMEMBER!!! THERE'S SOMEONE INSIDE OF YOU"

Poor Deuce. I can imagine her bouncing around in there wondering what in the hell is my momma doing LOL. I'm sorry kiddo. It won't happen again. I'm going on a Trick Daddy fast. No more Trick until Deuce-Y makes her arrival.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why hide it?

So I've been trying to conceal my pregnancy until I entered my second trimester. I can't's been HARD! The majority of my family members know and they have told people...some more than others *looks at my dad* My coworkers now know because of misplaced preggo pops and my 10 year old spreading the word. Plus my previously small belly is now a HUGE belly! Simply put...there is no hiding Deuce. Not anymore. You'd have to be from another planet to NOT know that I was pregnant. The congratulations have started pouring in whenever I'm in the presence of someone and they notice my belly. So today was the day that I went ahead and announced it on Facebook. I'm still a few days shy of 13 weeks but I figure what was the point in keeping the secret in??? So now the entire world knows about Deuce-y. *throws confetti* welcome to the party! Now I can breathe and let it a lllllll hang out :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I weigh what?!?!?

I'm obsessed with my weight. It seems crazy because I'm pregnant and well I'm expected to gain weight! That's not how I feel. When I got pregnant with my son I was 130 lbs. I gained 41 lbs(yes I was huge) while pregnant and quite frankly I could afford to gain it. With Deuce things are different. I was 185 when I conceived Deuce and at my first prenatal appointment I was 192. I have studied that number. I've obsessed about it. In my mind I'm walking around here looking like Precious and that's a no go. It's not all vanity. I've read enough pregnancy books and articles to know that preeclamsia(spelling) and gestational diabetes are real out here in these streets. I am worried about my health and Deuce's safety and that leads me to being flat out obsessed with the number. At my second doctor's appointment I found myself at 192 again! I breathed a sigh of relief! NO weight gain! Whoop Whoop! But then something funny happened. I took a few shots of my belly and found that my belly is now HUGE! Same weight .... different belly!

This is me on March 17th. Believe it or not I'm pregnant with Deuce!

And this is me a mere two months later. I'm 12 weeks pregnant with Deuce. What a change!

They say you're bigger with your second child. When I was 12 weeks with Jalen, my belly was still flat. It didn't pop out until I was 16 weeks! One thing for sure, Deuce is making her presence known NOW!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Every symptom? Really Deuce?

This weekend I went to see the movie "What to expect when you're expecting". Not only did I see the movie, I also read the book. I am flabbergasted. Now I don't remember every detail from my first pregnancy because well it happened sooooo long ago but I do remember that I didn't have nearly as many symptoms with my son Jalen as I do with little Deuce. If you go through the trimester list, I promise I have had EVERY pregnancy symptom that has been discovered by man. *cough* WOMAN! I tell you no lie. If there is a symptom, I have it. If I don't think I have it (like the lady in the movie who accidentally pisses on herself) don't worry, I'll have it. Unfortunately. I've had

*sore breasts
* green and blue veins
* extreme fatigue
* food aversions
* morning(hell ALL day) sickness
* nausea
* swollen breasts
* cravings
*constipation (and may I add...I have NEVER had this before)
* chills
* hot spells
* emotional outbursts
* gas
* a heightened sense of smell
* headaches
*inability to sleep
* the urge to pee ALL of the time
* horny days and don't touch me nights LOL

and now I'm pissing on myself

Talk about embarrassing.  Talk about long winded! Seriously I just got tired from even typing all of that.  Except for a little nausea, I did not experience ANY of that with my son. Little Deuce is taking me through it. My sister, the doctor, says that I'm experiencing all of this because Deuce is a girl. We shall see. All I know is I'm really looking forward to my second trimester.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hands and Feet

So today was my second prenatal appointment. It was the first time that I met my know the one who will be bringing little Deuce-y into the world. Things went pretty well. I found out that I'm anemic and must take an iron supplement. We went over the total cost for caring for and delivering little Deuce. We talked about my diet. Yada yada yada.

To me none of that was important to me, I just wanted to see my little Deuce-y again. I mean seriously it's been three whole weeks. I wanted to see if she had changed and boy had she! My little darling now has hands and feet!!!! She was so big!!!! I instantly got happy when I saw her appear on the screen and of course her little heart was just a beating like a jack rabbit. She actually looked like a human being. You could see everything so clearly. If I wasn't excited before, I'm definitely there now! Hi little Deuce-y!!!!! Four more weeks and hopefully two things will happen; 1. we'll actually know if Deuce is a girl or a boy (prays for a girl) and 2. I will get to see her again! Until then, love you little Deuce! :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

I'm already a mother but Deuce makes me emotional so HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!! I didn't think I'd be doing anything today because I was sick ALL morning (Thanks Deuce) and then I slept the rest of the day. I didn't wake up until around 2. But things worked out. I did a little maternity shopping with my mom at Macys. Is it me or do maternity clothes SUCK! So I quickly moved out of the maternity section and into the baby section. I think it's really dawning on me that I'm going to have a BABY! Like a little baby!!!! I was picking up items for 0-3 months and they were so cute and sooooo little! I think me and my mom awed and ooh'd a thousand times before our table at the Cheesecake Factory was called.

I know one thing for sure. If Deuce IS a girl, I'm going to be broke....and her dad is in for a world of trouble! lol